I am here to help you with your anxiety, depression, and trauma symptoms, so that you can create the life you want.
With powerful therapy techniques such as EMDR, Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine), Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Work, Emotional Freedom Technique, and my own developed Emotive-Sensory Process, I will assist you each step of the way.
Heal the Body, Heal the Mind: A Somatic Approach to Moving Beyond Trauma
Unfortunately, mind over matter does not work when we try to address trauma because the nervous system hijacks the mind. For that reason, I wrote my book Heal the Body. Heal the Mind. A Somatic Approach to Moving Beyond Trauma. My mission is not only to bring awareness to what trauma is but also to help people with innovative techniques to fight trauma symptoms with innovative techniques. This book explains why trauma survivors might have problems with their health, in relationships, with finances, and in their career. Additionally it provides survivors with more than 20 exercises that can help them to move beyond trauma, towards a functional life and more joy. I have used each exercise successfully in my private practice and in my own healing. I am very passionate about this subject and hope that you might be inspired to read the book.
Online COurse
Das Ich Sein Staerken
mit einer 4 Minuten Sensorischer-Gefuehlsuebung
Lernen Sie ein vierminütiges praktisches Werkzeug, mit dem Sie Ihr inneres Bewusstsein erweitern und sich mit Ihrem wahren Selbst verbinden können, um ein sinnvolleres und reicheres Leben zu führen.
Dies ist ein 10-tägiger Kurs
Creating changes in your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and even your physical pain starts from deep within.
My intention is to help you to understand, deal with, and heal mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, and trauma with guided hypnotherapy, visualizations, and mental health tools.
Relax into a tranquil night sleep with my guided meditation for Restful Sleep.
Dr. Babbel’s gentle guidance with a soft German accent created a demand that led her to expand her meditation collection, eventually integrating them into her DailyOM Course and presenting on Insight Timer.

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